Yoga las rosas

Yoga las rosas, Meditación Mindfulness

Climbing roses

We are seeing more and more how yoga is taking over social media and, as a result, people are asking what it is, how it is practiced and if it is suitable for their needs. For many “yogis”, yoga begins as an activity with a specific goal and ends up becoming a lifestyle. Here we tell you how to include yoga in your daily life.
Yoga is much more than postures, despite the immense diffusion that is made of yoga, the information we have about this discipline is often incomplete because not all aspects that compose it are as visually striking as the postures. Meditations, controlled breathing, are also part of yoga, and perhaps even more important than the physical work itself.
4- Mental activation: Dedicate a few minutes of your day to activities of mental and emotional well-being such as meditation, reflection, and breathing. This calms the nervous system and helps us feel more comfortable.
It is difficult to acquire all these steps at once, so we invite you to take notes of the proposals that most interest you and start doing them one by one in your free time or in the times you think necessary.

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L’ ATELIER DE YOGA An atelier is a place dedicated to creation, experimentation and transformation of the material from which the work of art emerges.    In Yoga the raw material is the body, which is transformed through practice, but the body is only the gateway because Yoga is for the mind.  YOGAH CITTA
ART is any human activity done with care and dedication.SCIENCE is the set of objective and verifiable knowledge about a matter, which are obtained through observation and experimentation.PHILOSOPHY is the reflection on the essence of man and the universe. “Here we practice with care and dedication, observing and reflecting on the causes and effects that each archetype, each asana, produces in the nature of our being”.

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MethodologyThe practice of Yoga is a discipline that integrates body, mind and spirit. For this, during the practices (classes) we will work learning different postures, breathing exercises and visualizations to enter into meditation.
The classes are individual or small groups so that the approach is personalized, attending to the particular needs of each practitioner. Observing each singularity, we propose an adequate practice with short and medium term objectives, without the result being the end, but the path as an end in itself.

Yoga at home -basic postures for yoga initiation

MethodologyThe practice of Yoga is a discipline that integrates body, mind and spirit. For this, during the practices (classes) we will work learning different postures, breathing exercises and visualizations to enter into meditation.
The classes are individual or small groups so that the approach is personalized, attending to the particular needs of each practitioner. Observing each singularity, an adequate practice is proposed with short and medium term objectives, without the result being the end, but the path as an end in itself.

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