Ferran mestanza

Ferran mestanza, Meditación Mindfulness

“don’t wait to be happy, the only time to practice happiness.

The practice of mindfulness meditation consists of developing the ability to be present in the here and now, without judgment, receptively, with curiosity, integrating the experience of body and mind.
Throughout a whole day we will practice sitting meditation, walking meditation, outdoor meditation, silence, experiential communication and mindful eating. And we will have the opportunity to deepen in the different mindfulness exercises:

“quietud i claredat” (ferran mestanza) – mindfulness

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He leído la política de privacidad y consiento explícitamente el tratamiento de mis datos tal y como se indica en ella. Soy consciente y consiento explícitamente que se traten datos sensibles según el Art. 9 del GDPR serán tratados y que el tratamiento tendrá lugar en un país fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (“EEE”).
Hemos leído la política de privacidad . Estamos de acuerdo con el tratamiento de nuestros datos de acuerdo con la política de privacidad. Esto también se aplica a toda la información sensible. Además, estamos de acuerdo con el procesamiento en un país fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (“EEE”) de acuerdo con la política de privacidad.
He leído la política de privacidad y acepto explícitamente el tratamiento de mis datos tal como se indica en ella. Soy consciente y consiento explícitamente que se traten datos sensibles según el Art. 9 del GDPR serán tratados y que el tratamiento tendrá lugar en un país fuera del Espacio Económico Europeo (“EEE”).

  Bikram yoga moraleja

ferran mestanza audios

–The problem is that it doesn’t go deep. People who are interested in Buddhism are usually left with certain ritual practices, but Buddhism is something more complete. In the Lleida conferences, I try to go beyond the clichés. I explain, for example, how Buddhism helps us to be less selfish in this individualistic world.
— Westerners arrived, attracted by a religion without gods and founded by a normal man, who did not hear any revelation. It seemed to them to tie in with a practical, atheistic society and they called it a religion.

mindfulness in difficult times” with ferran mestanza

“Science is not perfect, it is often misused, it is just a tool, but it is the best tool we have, it corrects itself, it is always evolving and can be applied to everything. With this tool we conquer the impossible”. Carl Sagan
In fact, there are many places that I have visited leaving a little piece of me and taking something of them with me; in a way they are also “home” even if I have not stayed too long in them. I feel like a citizen of the world. Of a world full of wonders and horrors that we need to take care of and preserve. Epimeleia also includes for me the need to take care of the world and the people with whom we share the world.

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