Mindfulness educacion infantil

Mindfulness educacion infantil, Meditación Mindfulness

Mindfulness cards for children

When a thought arises, it usually has to do with something that has happened in the past or that we imagine might happen in the future. Even if the thought is not true, we may react as if it is.
Mindfulness practice can help people to focus on the present, and to see their thoughts and emotions in a more neutral way, without identifying with them. Being able to do this helps in coping with problems and stressful situations.
You can practice mindfulness exercises at home. But keep in mind that concentrating on the breath for long periods of time is harder than it sounds, especially for those who are easily distracted. There are many books and information on the Internet,

10:31mindfulness for children. tranquility meditation: the lake at calmasophia foundation and school of practical wisdomayoutube – 4 may 2019

Positive psychology is an innovative movement, initially driven by Martin Seligman, considered one of the founders of this branch of psychology, dedicating most of his career to the study of the positive aspects of the human being. (Arguís, Bolsas, Hernández & Salvador, 2012). It was defined by Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi (cited by Contreras and Esguerra, 2006) as “the scientific study of positive experiences, positive individual traits, the institutions that facilitate their development and the programs that help to improve the quality of life of individuals, while preventing or reducing the incidence of psychopathology”. Sheldon and King (cited by Contreras and Esguerra, 2006) also define it as “the scientific study of human strengths and virtues, which allow us to adopt a more open perspective regarding human potential, motivations and capabilities [313].”
For Linley, Harrington, Stephen, and Wood (cited by Arguís et al., 2012), this current is defined as “the scientific study of optimal human functioning. On a metapsychological level, it aims to redress the imbalance in psychological research and practice by drawing attention to the positive aspects of human functioning and experience, and integrating them within our understanding of the negative aspects of human functioning and experience. On a pragmatic level, it is about understanding the sources, processes, and mechanisms that lead to desirable successes [11].”

  Calmar la mente

Mindfulness in the classroom: a project to educate mindful children.

Barahona, M.N, Sánchez, A and Urchaga, J.D. (2013). Positive Psychology applied to education: the CIP program for the improvement of life skills in Higher Education. Journal of University Educational Training and Innovation. Retrieved from http://refiedu.webs.uvigo.es/Refiedu/Vol6_4/REFIEDU_6_4_5.pdf
Tébar, S. and Parra, M. (2015/12/28). Practicing Mindfulness with students in the third year of early childhood education. Journal of the Faculty of Education of Albacete. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/andrea/Downloads/912-3953-1-PB.pdf.

Happy classrooms

Endorsed for its effectiveness in the field of health, the benefits of Mindfulness are now being applied to the field of education with excellent results not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers and families. From EDUCATION 3.0, we begin a series of installments that delve into this technique thanks to the contributions of Pilar Fernandez, director of the Juan de Lanuza School (Zaragoza) and Esperanza Cid, counselor of Early Childhood and Primary Education of this school.
The psychologist William James already warned in 1890 about the importance of bringing attention to the present moment again and again, voluntarily. He understood that an education aimed at improving the control of attention could lay the foundations for solid learning. For his part, the American physician Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced this practice into the Western health model, defining mindfulness as follows: “Intentionally paying attention to the present moment, without judgment.” The two main techniques on which it is based are breathing and relaxation.

  Meditacion dormir profundamente